Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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Sunday Apr 26, 2020

The crisis we are in right now is stressful for most of the population. Many people who are committed believers may have the opportunity to rethink where they are with the Lord right now. They can't attend church. Maybe their attendance at church was the problem. Maybe it hid the true relationship they have with the Lord. So, what do they need to do? Is this crisis a calling? That's part of the message. Next week the sermon ends.

Those with Ears to Hear

Sunday Apr 19, 2020

Sunday Apr 19, 2020

The Gospel is more than a club we have joined. It requires that we base our lives on it. Those who resist the Holy Spirit may understand the Gospel but they can't hear the call the Gospel gives. Ears must be opened. The Gospel must be obeyed.

Love Holds On

Sunday Apr 12, 2020

Sunday Apr 12, 2020

Love holds onto Jesus. Jesus holds onto you. The resurrection proves that.

Who Is This?

Sunday Apr 05, 2020

Sunday Apr 05, 2020

The Sunday before Jesus' crucifixion is called Palm Sunday. Jesus rode into Jerusalem while people placed palm branches before Him and praised His name. He turned over the tables of the money changers when He got to the Temple. He healed the blind and the lame. He angered the chief priests and scribes. Each of the people who encountered Jesus had a different view of Him. But who is Jesus when you add all the responses? And who do you say that He is?

How Shall They Hear?

Sunday Mar 29, 2020

Sunday Mar 29, 2020

Many things must happen before a person becomes a true believer. Some almost make it. They are just as lost as the one who never started. The ones who almost make it may think that are Christians. The scripture will disagree with them. This message tells what we must do and what others must do to produce a true believer.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020

Many things can happen when we call on the name of the Lord. Often,
they do not. Why is that? Why can't I call on the name of the Lord and
see things happen every time?

God in the Midst of a Storm

Sunday Mar 15, 2020

Sunday Mar 15, 2020

We are in the midst of a storm right now. The Coronavirus is running rampant. Political and health officials are scrambling to get ahead of it. The economy is tanking. Schools are closed. Many businesses cannot weather this storm. They will be closed permanently. A hoard of toilet paper appears to be the solution of the populace. Are godly people immune to this storm? Did we do something wrong to get this storm. Let's look at an actual storm and see what God's word would have us do.

Sunday Mar 08, 2020

Shame is at the very heart of those who call upon the name of the Lord. They know they are sinners and don't want to be put to shame on Judgement Day. People aren't ashamed of anything they have done anymore. They make excuses and approve their own sins while loudly condemning others. Why is that?

Sunday Mar 01, 2020

We have been set free from the Law because Jesus is our righteousness. We now live under the law of love. We love Jesus and we love others. Our love for Jesus and others is evident or we do not possess salvation.. The Holy Spirit who abides in every Christian will urge the believer to act. Love demands that we identify with the ones we love. Therefore, love stands up and declares itself. We cannot be ashamed of the ones we love.

The Joy of God’s Supply

Sunday Feb 23, 2020

Sunday Feb 23, 2020

There are two prerequisites for God meeting out needs. They deal with our being faithful first. When we have been faithful we can expect that God will meet every need. What are those two prerequisites? That's the message here.

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