Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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The Joy of a Calm Heart

Sunday Feb 16, 2020

Sunday Feb 16, 2020

Worry follows some people all the time. Many people are only worried when they face daunting problems. Still others, never worry at all. Since everyone faces the good and the bad times, which category do you fall into? Would you rather be oblivious to your problems or know those problems without worry? This is a message for just about everyone and should be passed on to anyone you know is worried.

The Joy of Others

Sunday Feb 02, 2020

Sunday Feb 02, 2020

God has placed people in our lives who are a blessing. They encourage,
challenge and give us opportunities to be His representatives to each
other. So, we take joy in each other.

When It Comes to Salvation

Sunday Jan 12, 2020

Sunday Jan 12, 2020

Do you have someone you desperately want to see saved? If so, this message may help.

Sunday Jan 05, 2020

If God always gets the results He expects, if God knows that rejecting His will results in a hardened heart and if God hardens hearts by giving people the opportunity to comply, how can He condemn people for rejecting His will when He gave them the opportunity to do so? And, by the way, why does God allow the birth of those who will reject Him and spend an eternity in hell? Yeah, that's this message

Sunday Dec 29, 2019

The Bible says that God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy? Does that mean that God is responsible for every action that people take? After all, who can resist His will? Is it His will to send some people to hell? This is what this message is about.

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Sunday Dec 22, 2019

Sunday Dec 22, 2019

The angels are beings created by God just like we are. They have free will just like we do. What is the key to their worship that may or may not be the same as ours?
The question is: Do you really want to worship like the angels or not?

O Come, All Ye Faithful

Sunday Dec 15, 2019

Sunday Dec 15, 2019

Simeon came to the Temple at the right time to see the Christ child. He had been promised that he would see Him before he died. Is this simply an anomaly or does God reveal things to people and have them walk in these things. My contention is that believing in something on you own with no proven external promise is superstition. Faith is believing God's revealed word which has been given to you.

Sunday Dec 08, 2019

Too often, Christians tell the world what they shouldn't be doing. That really isn't our job. We should live circumspectly in the world, yet our responsibility is to tell the good news of Jesus Christ. Then, He changes people through the Holy Spirit. We bring joy to the world when we bring Jesus as Jesus brought joy in His coming.

Good Christian Men, Rejoice!

Sunday Dec 01, 2019

Sunday Dec 01, 2019

The most revealing characteristic of people who truly walk and know the Lord is found in their joy. Their joy exceeds their circumstances. They don't just know Jesus. They interpret their live experiences through Him. So, when Christ was announced as coming as a baby, they looked forward to what He would bring them. It is the same things He brings to us.

The God of Mercy

Sunday Nov 10, 2019

Sunday Nov 10, 2019

The moment before you is the only moment you have. The grace that is before you is the only grace you need. People look for God's grace for tomorrow in today. That would be a wasted of His grace. You only need the grace for this moment. However, we should not count on Him giving us another chance to make the decision He has placed before us today. The moment before us is the only moment we have.

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