Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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Sunday Nov 03, 2019

God loves you. How much? More than you can imagine!

Sunday Oct 27, 2019

God works out of His grace. That grace grows us into the person we are to be. That grace calls us to the work He has prepared us for. This is evident in the Parable of the Talents. Each person was given a task according to their abilities.
So, when God calls us to share our faith, He is doing so because He has planned for us to do it, prepared for us to do it and grows us into more grace through it.
You have been prepared for this time. Don't waste it.

Treasure in Jars of Clay

Sunday Oct 20, 2019

Sunday Oct 20, 2019

Many people like Christ but do not see any reason they should become
His followers. Often, they look at people who call themselves
Christians and decide that they don't want what these Christians have.
It shouldn't be that way. This sermon addresses this.

Not Ashamed of My Testimony

Sunday Sep 29, 2019

Sunday Sep 29, 2019

Someone in the office makes a joke about people who believe in Jesus.
Do you laugh or are you quiet? When do you declare that you are a
believer? This message points out that the problem isn't that we are
afraid to share who we are as much as the fact that we don't have a
good testimony that allows us to boldly stand up. A good testimony
keeps us from being ashamed.

The Power to Be a Witness

Sunday Sep 22, 2019

Sunday Sep 22, 2019

Why is witnessing so anemic? Many believers are witnessing because
they fell guilty if they don't. They go out on their own power and
come back with nothing. Shouldn't it be different?

Seeing the Great Need

Sunday Sep 15, 2019

Sunday Sep 15, 2019

There are billions of people who have never heard the gospel story. Believers are around them every day. Why aren't these believers concerned about those who have never heard. Are they bored with stories of people coming to know the Lord? Or could it be more fundamental? Do they see them? Why not?

Sunday Sep 01, 2019

Those who know Christ also know it is the best decision of their lives. It makes no sense to those who refuse to accept Him as Lord and Savior. Why is that? Is it because they lack education or the proper environment? No, they resist the Holy Spirit. There are strong forces keeping people from this eternal decision. This is the topic of this message.

Sunday Aug 25, 2019

Most Christians never share their faith because they are afraid. That fear does not come from God. Maybe that's why evangelism programs have been followed do "religiously." So often, they focus on the scriptures that have been memorized without recognizing the person who is listening to them. What if we didn't have a program but simply loved people into the kingdom of God? What if we were less mechanical and more personal? What if our hearts were broken each time someone rejected the gospel? What if our hearts were truly elated when someone accepting Christ? That's where this next series of messages is going. Don't just listen to this one. Let's win people to Christ by loving them into the kingdom.

Sunday Aug 18, 2019

How often do we need to hear that God loves us? Every day. How do we
know He loves us? Paul was convinced that nothing could separate us
from the love of God. How was he convinced? The same way you are. This
is the message on this podcast.

Made More than Conquerors

Sunday Aug 04, 2019

Sunday Aug 04, 2019

We have been made more than conquerors but doesn't it seem like we have been conquered every now and then?
This message teaches us that we never need to accept defeat. The fact that we win is never in question. How we get to the winning just might be.

Copyright by Prentis McGoldrick 2021

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