Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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God Is for Us

Sunday Jul 28, 2019

Sunday Jul 28, 2019

There will be many who will oppose us but they cannot overcome us because God is with us and for us. We should know this because God didn't spare His own Son to redeem us. That's what we are worth to God. He who has bought us will always be for us. Everyone needs to be reminded of this sometime. Maybe you need to hear it again.

God’s Purpose, Our Glory

Sunday Jul 21, 2019

Sunday Jul 21, 2019

We don't know the specifics of the path that God has for us. We do know that the Holy Spirit prays for us because we don't know the specifics. We do know that God causes all things to work for our good. We do know that God wants to form us into the image of Christ. But for what purpose? So that we will be glorified. When will that truly happen? When we stand before the judgment seat of Christ. It is here that we will receive what we have done. God prepares us for that moment. It is good for us now and good for us then.

Becoming the Image of God

Sunday Jul 14, 2019

Sunday Jul 14, 2019

If you want to know the purpose of a creation, you should go to the creator. If we want to know what God created us for, we should look at what He said when He created humanity.
And that's how we interpret what God is doing in our lives. He is giving us peace by leading us to walk in our purpose.

Sunday Jul 07, 2019

Bad things happen to all people. Yet, there is a particular people that God causes those bad things to work for their good. God takes the good and the bad for these particular people and makes something greater. He is always doing this.

The Spirit Prays for Us

Sunday Jun 23, 2019

Sunday Jun 23, 2019

Does the trouble you are going through have a purpose? If so, what is that purpose? Should you pray that the trouble ends or that it completes what it can do? Is God making bad things happen so that you will get something better? These are the questions answered in this sermon.

A Father’s Priority

Sunday Jun 16, 2019

Sunday Jun 16, 2019

God must be the central figure in a father's life. If not, he will get everything else out of order. The relationship with his wife will be our to order. The relationship with his children will be out of order. His finances will be out of order. Thus, if a father wants to be a successful father, he must make sure God is central to his life.

We Always Have Hope

Sunday Jun 09, 2019

Sunday Jun 09, 2019

Hope is the reason we wait for anything. I wait for the doctor because I hope he or she will be able to heal me. I wait in traffic because I hope to go home. Believers do not have their full glory yet. They hope they will see it when they are redeemed. They are assured they will see it when they are redeemed. But they still hope. We always have hope until we see what God has for us. That is redemption: to be all that God intended.

All Creation Groans

Thursday Jun 06, 2019

Thursday Jun 06, 2019

There was a tragic shooting in Virginia Beach this past week. Why do these things continue to happen? Politicians will tell you how to stop them. They tell us that they can keep us safe. They are wrong. We live in a fallen world that awaits restoration.

Glory Revealed

Sunday May 26, 2019

Sunday May 26, 2019

Is living the Christian life faithfully during difficult times worth it? It is. Do you want to know why?

Sunday May 19, 2019

The Bible tells us that there will be many people who will be surprised that they are not entering heaven. They will say that they called Jesus Lord and point to the amazing work they have done for Him. Yet, He will say, "I never knew you."
Will you be surprised too? No one needs to be. This message clears up how we can know we are a child of God.

Copyright by Prentis McGoldrick 2021

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