Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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You before Me

Sunday Feb 24, 2019

Sunday Feb 24, 2019

This world teaches us that we need to look out for Number One. We need to strive to ride in first class, eat in fine restaurants and stay in five star hotels. We should get as many people to serve us as we can.
But who is the greatest in God's kingdom? And who will be remembered forever? Eternal glory awaits those who put others before themselves.

Giving Myself in Love

Sunday Feb 17, 2019

Sunday Feb 17, 2019

Jesus said that there was no greater love than to lay down one's life for his friends. Who are those friends? Is that what is expected of us? What is this love?

Sunday Feb 10, 2019

Christians have a responsibility for each other. They are to go and get those who once walked with them with their God. They are to do so in the fruit of the Spirit. They are bring them back with gentleness. It's a big responsibility that bears big rewards.

Sunday Feb 03, 2019

Why do we hold onto our hurts? Wouldn't it be better for us to forgive those who have wronged us and go on with our lives? What keeps us from doing so? Why should we forfeit peace for resentment?

Sunday Jan 27, 2019

Every serious Christian has realized that he or she has been unable to live the perfect Christian life. So, what's the use of trying? Maybe the perfect Christian life wasn't the goal anyway.

The Sin of the Meticulous

Sunday Jan 20, 2019

Sunday Jan 20, 2019

We can't compare ourselves to others when considering how closely we walk with the Lord. We need to compare ourselves with ourselves. We need to compare ourselves with where we were in our walk with the Lord yesterday and last week and last month and last year. We need to see that we are growing closer. How do we know if we are growing closer? The answer is in this message.

New Life of the Spirit

Sunday Jan 13, 2019

Sunday Jan 13, 2019

God gave us the Law. It led us to understand that we can't keep the Law perfectly. It led us to realize that the sacrifices weren't adequate. It led us to realize that we need Jesus. Those who come to Jesus belong to Him. He leads them through the Spirit. He has communication and the relationship grows. It is a dynamic relationship.

If You Really Want to Be His

Sunday Jan 06, 2019

Sunday Jan 06, 2019

I used to think that sanctification meant that I was becoming holy for holiness sake. I now know that sanctification means that I am getting closer to my Lord. The closer I get the more I hear from Him. The more I hear, the more I have faith. The more faith, the more life and peace I receive. The more life and peace brings me closer to Him. You get it, don't you?

Slaves of Righteousness

Sunday Dec 30, 2018

Sunday Dec 30, 2018

Okay, Christians are under grace, but does that mean that we can sin with impunity? Paul tells us, "No!" The Holy Spirit and our hearts will urge us to become slaves of righteousness. We walk with the Lord or not. We are slaves of righteousness or of sin. The popular commercial asks, "What's in your wallet?" This message asks, "What's in your heart?"

Sunday Dec 23, 2018

Many people continue to complain about what they have to go through without doing anything about it. Their lives never change. They are afraid of making the wrong decision so they make sure that they make the wrong decision. Doing nothing about your situation is the wrong decision. This message urges you to make a decision and do something about what you are going through.

Copyright by Prentis McGoldrick 2021

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