Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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The Promise of Abraham

Sunday Jun 24, 2018

Sunday Jun 24, 2018

Abraham received a promise from God, but first he was obedient to what God called him to do. He left the land he was living in and his family to go to a place that God had for him.
God makes a promise to us. He tells us to believe in His Son and we will have life eternal. It seems that all of God's promises follow that pattern. We start with obedience and God's promise is fulfilled.
Salvation isn't the only promise God makes to us.Wouldn't you like to know about His promise is to you?

Sunday Jun 17, 2018

Father's is losing its significance. Many children are growing up without fathers. Many of the males who fathered these children never knew how to become men. The lack of manhood leaves the whole human race at a loss. Moms are trying to be mothers and fathers to their children. This leaves the boys without a role model to show them how and girls without a role model to show them who they should marry (if marriage is in their future). This message is not comprehensive in teacher males how to be dads. It is just a few hints that can get males to become the men they need to be to be great dads.

Sunday Jun 10, 2018

The wave of suicides tell us that people are looking for more than they were getting. Many of these people appear to be successful, famous and able to get just about anything they want. They have been working for something that can't fulfill the need in their hearts. Faith seems like such a simplistic answer to their problem. Do complex problems require complex answers or can a simple answer actually work?
Working for your salvation doesn't work- even if you are religious about it! Life comes from accepting what God has for you. It is more than the world could hope to deliver.

Sunday Jun 03, 2018

Salvation is not merely something that happens to us when our physical bodies die. Salvation is something that we possess without merit and without work the moment we are saved. Though their is no time schedule. We have a promise from God responded by faith that God declares righteous so that we have His inheritance now and forevermore.

The Seal of Righteousness

Sunday May 27, 2018

Sunday May 27, 2018

Does God let people into heaven because of their hard work in serving Him or because of their faith? That's the topic Paul addresses in Romans 4:9-12. In this message we discover that we belong to the Lord: signed, sealed and delivered.

Blessed Are the Forgiven

Sunday May 20, 2018

Sunday May 20, 2018

Knowing you are forgiven is a blessing but it isn't the whole blessing. Forgiveness is the key that opens the door to what God has for you. Forgiveness is essential to your righteousness. Righteousness enables you to walk with God, hear God and know His purpose.
And we all need to know His purpose.

Your Life’s Definition

Sunday May 13, 2018

Sunday May 13, 2018

When the name Benedict Arnold is mentioned, what do you think of? How about Lee Harvey Oswald or John Wilkes Booth? Most of us think of people who were defined by their sins. However, should we think of Bathsheba in the same way? She was the mother of five sons. One of those sons was Solomon. She is an ancestor of Jesus. Moms could learn a lot from her example.

Sunday May 06, 2018

Can you call Jesus your Lord while holding onto a known sin? Can you have all that God has planned for you while knowingly unfaithful to Him? This message speaks to these issues.

The Law before Time

Sunday Apr 29, 2018

Sunday Apr 29, 2018

Why are Christians so bored with God? I believe it's because they have failed to hear what He has said to them. They fail because they are distracted by sin, unaware of righteousness and forget about the judgment that awaits everyone. That is the work fo the Holy Spirit when He delivers God's word. The word of God changes everything. That's the law before time.

You Gotta’ Have Faith (Part 2)

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018

Years ago an evangelist told me, "You got to believe it is so when it isn't so, so it will be so because with God it is already so." I asked how do you know that it is already so with God.
He said, "You need a word from God."
"How do you get a word from God?" I asked.
His eyes twinkled as he said, "Now, that's the hard part."
This is the second part of my message delivered on a Wednesday night. It attempts to answer the question: How do I get a word from God?

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