Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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Sunday Feb 04, 2018

Does everyone get into heaven the same way? Are all the religions equally valid? There are many who would say that even the Jews will get a special deal with God. Can that be true? Let's see what the Bible says.

Sunday Jan 28, 2018

If God is going to be faithful to His mission and to us whether or not we are faithful to Him, then, why be faithful?

Sunday Jan 21, 2018

God is faithful even if we aren't. He is faithful to His mission to redeem creation. He is faithful to His word. He is faithful to us. He is faithful to save us even if we are unfaithful. He gives grace. He forgives. He seeks for us to come home. His faithfulness is truly unwavering.

Paying It Forward

Sunday Jan 14, 2018

Sunday Jan 14, 2018

This message has three points:
God chose the Jews. He also chooses the believers today. How does He do it without violating free will?
The sign of the covenant is baptism today. There are three reasons we are baptized.
We are to carry the gospel to the world. We do this with words and with changed lives. The secret to a changed life is in forgiveness.

Fear Not

Sunday Dec 24, 2017

Sunday Dec 24, 2017

The Bible includes over 500 times that people are told not to be afraid. Yet, people think that God has come to scare them. The fear of the Lord is not the same as being afraid of Him. The Lord Jesus came so that we would know God, the Son. Knowing the Son is knowing the Father.
So, God has giving us reasons that we should not fear. He has a great future planned for us. He is for us always. He has everything we need and is willing to give it to us. Why should we fear?

Joy to the World

Sunday Dec 17, 2017

Sunday Dec 17, 2017

Many people are going through things that they never reveal to others. They have hurts and needs that they never express. They have had the joy squeezed out of their lives.
The Father sent the Son so that the world would have joy. That joy is eternal that begins right now. Come join us in joy as you listen to this message.

Peace on Earth

Sunday Dec 10, 2017

Sunday Dec 10, 2017

Have you thought about getting yourself something for Christmas? What if this gift would also be a great gift for all those around you? Would you consider it?
I know I would.

Good News Is Coming

Sunday Dec 03, 2017

Sunday Dec 03, 2017

The Gospel is good news but if all it means is that we go to heaven when we die, it's very delayed good news. It must be good news that continues to come to us if it is very good news. The good news is that it is for today and tomorrow and forever. So, if you find yourself in a hopeless position please remember that good news is coming!

The Spirit Is Working

Sunday Nov 26, 2017

Sunday Nov 26, 2017

We all have difficult days. No matter how difficult; no matter how dark and meaningless these days seem to be, God is working to do something in our lives. Satan works against us in every difficult day while God is working for us. This message explains how to make sense of it all. The message is clear: the Spirit is working.

Why Thank God?

Sunday Nov 19, 2017

Sunday Nov 19, 2017

Many people thanking God is like paying taxes. They can't really see much benefit but it does make them good people. What if thanking God was an essential element so that they would receive all the blessings God has for them? Do you think they would treat it so casually then?

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