Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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Sunday Nov 12, 2017

The Spirit never stops working. He continues to challenge us to walk with God. That journey often takes us to places we don't want to go to get us to a place where He will bless us.
God's first place to bless us is with salvation. However, He is not finished with us when we trust in Him. He continues to bring us to trust Him more. He gives us purpose, hope and a future. He gives us life when we go to the place He wants to bless us.

Sunday Nov 05, 2017

Most people think that becoming a Christian will make them better people. That was not God's intention. He makes a new creation out of those who come to know Him.
Believers are called to love like God does. When believers look in the mirror and see less themselves acting less than God's creation they must say, "I am better than this!"

When the Secrets Come Out

Sunday Oct 29, 2017

Sunday Oct 29, 2017

Don't we demand justice when we feel that we or someone we care about is wronged? Where does that need from justice come from? Could it come from being created in the image of God?
God is a holy God. His holiness requires that He is just. His justice requires that He is thorough. So, does God seek to condemn us or simply allow us to be condemned or is He seeking to save and bless us?
Maybe we will realize the fullness of God's grace when the secrets come out.

Sunday Oct 22, 2017

Does saying that we are totally depraved mean that there is no good in us? Absolutely not! It means that we don't have any good that we can do that will save us. So, there is good within people. In fact, it is there is good in everyone. It is that good that draws us to God.

Sunday Oct 15, 2017

What keeps the Christian from the wonderful things that God has for us? It happens when the Christian fails to do as God says. This message speaks to three needs that God will supply when we apply His Word. So, if you have a physical need, have a decision you need to make or you are oppressed by defeat, depression or loneliness, this message is for you.

Sunday Oct 08, 2017

I have read so many blogs from people who quit going to church. They justify their absence. They never tell the whole story. They seem to go to church for what they are getting from it. They seem to think that going to church is the end product of their faith. They don't know that attendance isn't enough to produce what God wants to produce. Sure, they can stay exactly where they are right now without attendance at church. That's just not what God has fully planned for them.

Sunday Oct 01, 2017

God has great plans for us. He wants to give us a hope and a future but many people who call themselves believers aren't living like that. Why is that?

As Just as It Gets

Sunday Sep 24, 2017

Sunday Sep 24, 2017

Does God treat each of us equally? He doesn't keep the rules for all of us. He doesn't call us, answer us or gift us equally. God has different plans for each of us. He treats us all the same by making sure that He treats us in equal love. He has plans for us. Great plans.

Wrath and Fury

Sunday Sep 17, 2017

Sunday Sep 17, 2017

There are not many places that preach the whole Word of God. They are
keen on telling the Good News without explaining the bad news. Hell is
real and terrible. This message attempts to make it as bad as it
really is. This message fails.

Sunday Sep 10, 2017

This message describes the three judgements mentioned in the Bible. It explains the differences between them. It tells what a person who has gotten right with God must do. It explains what the result of getting right and doing right is.
There should be peace in the life of the believer.

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