Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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The Big Payday

Sunday Sep 03, 2017

Sunday Sep 03, 2017

We sing "It Is Well with My Soul: but often nothing is going right. We come to church and pretend with the other pretenders that we are right in the middle of God's will. Maybe we think we are the only ones who have the struggles that are ours alone. Meanwhile, God gives us the opportunity to come home.
Some need to listen to God's call for salvation. He is giving them an opportunity to repent. Others need to go with God wherever, whenever and however He calls. In either case, there is a big payday. Some will walk into the presence of the Lord one day and hear, "Welcome, my good and faithful servant." Others will hear, "Depart from Me."
God gives us the opportunity t repent. Failing to do so "thinks down" on His grace. Regardless of what we do, a big payday awaits.

No Place to Hide

Sunday Aug 27, 2017

Sunday Aug 27, 2017

There are two groups of people hiding in the church. One group is comprised of church members and attenders who think they can stand before God on Judgement Day because they have joined the church and been baptized. They know deep in their hearts that they have never made a saving commitment to Christ.
The second group excuses themselves from praying and sharing Christ with their friends because these friends are good people. They know their friends, loved ones, co-workers and neighbors don't know Jesus as Savior but they hide behind a false hope that God will let them into heaven because they are good people.
This message comes from God's Word. God's Word leaves no place for either of these groups to hide.

The Enemy Within

Sunday Aug 20, 2017

Sunday Aug 20, 2017

Why do we get so upset with others in their pride? Why are we beside ourselves when we see someone cutting in line or not doing what they should? Could it be that we recognize the faults in others because we have the faults ourselves?

The Sinners’ Circle

Sunday Aug 13, 2017

Sunday Aug 13, 2017

The first chapter of Romans doesn't just tell us that we are all sinners. It carefully builds a case for the wrath of God. God is fully justified in His judgement and we are without excuse in our sin.
So, today must be the day of salvation. Tomorrow may just be too late.

The End of the Road

Sunday Aug 06, 2017

Sunday Aug 06, 2017

God will let you go down the road you choose. The problem is that you will one day end up at the end of that road and not be where you want to be.

Losing Our Minds

Sunday Jul 16, 2017

Sunday Jul 16, 2017

The flesh, that part of us that responds to this world, is totally corrupt. It corrupts our minds so that we can't think right.

The Natural Unnatural

Sunday Jul 02, 2017

Sunday Jul 02, 2017

God didn't simply give us a list of rules to follow. Each act of God comes through His holiness. Each command is a statement of holiness. Man's rebellion against God is a rebellion against holiness.
Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life. There is no way to separate those. The way, the truth and the life is a person. You can't have the truth without the way, You can't have the way without the truth. You will not receive life if you haven't agreed with the way and truth.
Many people don't have true life because they have exchanged God's truth for human reasoning. They have chosen peace with the world over peace with God.
So, there is a progression against God's truth and His holiness. Sin is progressive. This is natural but not godly. Our fallen condition causes us to continue in our sin.

The Aroma of Christ

Sunday Jun 25, 2017

Sunday Jun 25, 2017

On June 25, 2017, Thalia Lynn Baptist Church celebrated her 60th anniversary. Rob Pittman, one of the charter members preached. He spoke of the aroma of Christ at the church.

A Father’s Honor

Sunday Jun 18, 2017

Sunday Jun 18, 2017

The third Sunday in June has been designated as Father's Day. This agrees with the biblical command to honor our fathers. However, many people do not know what honor is. This message will give some of the reasons we need to honor our fathers and what fathers need to do in order to be honored.

The Worst Trade Ever

Sunday Jun 11, 2017

Sunday Jun 11, 2017

People will trade a relationship with the God that they do not know for the lies of the world that they know. In other words, those who have not accepted the saving grace of Jesus do not know that their trade for the world is the worst trade ever.

Copyright by Prentis McGoldrick 2021

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