Bringing Relationships to Life
Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Those who regularly share the gospel, whether it be with family, friends or co-workers, will be judged poorly some of the times. The gospel is offensive to many of those who want to believe they are going to heaven without it. This message tells why.

Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
What if God has great plan for you but you don't do what God wants you to do, do you still get His great plans? We are not our own. We may be able to choose what we want to do but those who know Jesus Christ as Savior owe a great debt that is a joy to be paid. Paying that debt puts us right on track in receiving God's great plans.

Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sometimes you can do everything right; you can do all the Lord has asked of you, and you will fail. Is this because God isn't able to help you succeed? Does God quit caring some times? How can you fail when you have done everything right? This message helps answer these questions.

Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Fellowship is more than fried chicken and potato salad. It is the meeting of spirits between Christians. It has a lot to do with the Christians mutual growth in the faith. This message tells you how you can have it.

Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
The most godly person can say the most godly prayer and God can still say "no." Why is that? Is it because I asked in the wrong way? Or is there another reason?

Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
A good marketing person might tell Jesus that He didn't play His cards very well. After all, look at all the real miracles He could do.
Why didn't Jesus tell the disciples to get a crowd together after he fed the 5000. He could tell them to tell the crowd to come back for a really good meal the next day. Then, the disciples could gather some really sick people and maybe a couple of people who had recently died. After the disciples had the crowd chanting and really rocking out, Jesus could walk across the Sea of Galilee for His entrance. Then, saying, "Behold!" with the sound of thunder He could raise the dead, heal a few people and start producing fried chicken and potato salad to feed the whole crowd.
Just think of His popularity, future crowds and the offerings He could gather!
But He didn't do that.

Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
The difference between a sinner and a saint is the Savior. Paul has some choice things to call believers. We are every thing he has called us.

Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
It's very hard to talk to people about grace when they already think they deserve more than they are getting. Maybe that's why so many sermons are telling people how they can get God to give them more rather than realizing what God has already given to them. Saving grace comes from Jesus Christ our Lord. It comes with responsibility.

Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
I once heard a tv evangelist say that he was as much the son of God as
Jesus was when He walked on the earth. This message proves that this
tv evangelist didn't know what he was talking about. Jesus is unique.
Who He is and what He has done cannot be matched by anyone.

Sunday Jan 08, 2017
Sunday Jan 08, 2017
This message explains the promised gospel and what it means for all believers. It means that we know God, It means that we are forgiven, it means that we have strength to do everything God wants in us. It means that every believer has been given a purpose in life.