Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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Salvation Works

Sunday Oct 16, 2016

Sunday Oct 16, 2016

Salvation is free. Jesus truly paid it all. However, sanctification requires letting the Spirit work on and in us. That requires some work. In fact, it requires a great deal of practice to get it right. We don't work for our salvation but our salvation does indeed work.

Taking a Long Walk with God

Sunday Oct 09, 2016

Sunday Oct 09, 2016

Sometimes God takes you places that you didn't plan to go. That's what He did when I was preparing this sermon. He led me to understand that the pain some people have experienced in their past is keeping them from walking with Him. God doesn't just want us to turn over the good things to Him. He wants the bad things as well. This sermon was preached during as Hurricane Matthew was blowing outside. There were less than a 100 people in the sanctuary on this morning. Maybe you missed it too. I believe God wants you to hear it.

Everybody’s Gotta Grow Up!

Sunday Oct 02, 2016

Sunday Oct 02, 2016

Age has nothing to do with spiritual growth if the person chooses to have a superficial faith. Faith should enable the person to weather the storms of life, make godly decisions and find meaning in their lives. Some Christians never get there. This message encourages
everyone to grow up.

There’s Always Hope

Monday Sep 26, 2016

Monday Sep 26, 2016

Satan is seeking to devour everyone. This message claims that Satan devours people by destroying their hope. But God has other plans. This message is for everyone who needs hope.

Where Do We Go from Here?

Sunday Dec 27, 2015

Sunday Dec 27, 2015

God wants the best for you always. This means that He is always seeking your growth. Growth is a never ending process. Growth is challenging. It requires our consistent obedience. This message gives seven needed elements to receive God's best.

Tuesday Dec 22, 2015

Behavior is goal directed-even for God. He sent His Son to be Savior, Christ and Lord. He sent birth announcements to shepherds and Magi. Does this indicate what God expected to accomplish in the birth of His Son? If so, isn't this what God wants for Christmas?

Emmanuel, God with Us

Monday Dec 14, 2015

Monday Dec 14, 2015

The Christian message has told people that Jesus died for their sins. It has said that faith in Jesus will allow their sins to be forgiven and give them eternal life. So, many Christians are leaving the church after their salvation experiences and baptisms because they do not understand the fullness of the gospel message. Salvation enables a relationship with God. Relationships must be ongoing to be vital. People should experience communion with God and others each time they worship. This sermon addresses why they aren't.

Make My Joy Complete

Saturday Dec 05, 2015

Saturday Dec 05, 2015

Conflict among individuals is inevitable. However, it can be rectified when both people seek to have a heart agreement. The Bible tells us how to solve these conflicts. You have to disrupt the present situation in order to improve the future.

Sunday Nov 29, 2015

People try to use the minimum commitment rule with their faith. The minimum price for having the life that Christ has for you is everything.

Sunday Nov 29, 2015

People try to use the minimum commitment rule with their faith. The minimum price for having the life that Christ has for you is everything.

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