Bringing Relationships to Life

Sin has broken relationships between God and Man plus Man and Man. However, these relationships are being restored as people are transformed into the image of Christ. These messages seek to bring each believer closer to Christ and bring life to all our relationships.

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I Want to Know You, Lord

Sunday Nov 22, 2015

Sunday Nov 22, 2015

God is not hiding Himself. In fact, He invites us to find Him and know Him. This message will lead you to what you need to know if you would like to know Him better.

Living Your Purpose

Sunday Nov 15, 2015

Sunday Nov 15, 2015

People either believe they create their own purpose or that they were created with a purpose. The person who creates his own purpose is obligated to fulfill his appetites. The person who is created for a purpose has a greater reason for living but needs to know where and how to find that reason.
This message will not tell you your purpose but it will tell you how you can find it.

How to Be a Cheerful Giver

Sunday Nov 08, 2015

Sunday Nov 08, 2015

Giving should be joyful but is often made to feel compulsory at the church. Thus, everyone dreads messages which speak of giving. Preachers even warn their congregations in advance before preaching messages on giving so they can stay away. God loves a cheerful giver and our reluctant giving means we must be doing it wrong. This messageis what the scripture says about cheerful giving.

Sunday Nov 01, 2015

There is a vast sea of people around us who would love for us to tell them of the love of Jesus, Most believers act as if they are the enemy. Therefore, they never see them as Jesus sees them. They are His beloved.

Sunday Oct 25, 2015

Church visitation has been an extremely ineffective way to share our faith. It doesn't fail from lack of enthusiasm, effort, literature or money spent. It fails from lack of power. However, there is a way which leads many to know Christ. Would you like to know what that is?

Living Together

Sunday Oct 18, 2015

Sunday Oct 18, 2015

Marriages are failing; even those who call themselves Christian. People are miffed at something that happened to them at church and never come back. What causes us to break up a relationship? Why can't we get along? The answer is found very close to the beginning of all relationships.

The Bible Code

Sunday Oct 11, 2015

Sunday Oct 11, 2015

The Bible should be read as a personal message to the reader. However, most people listen to the Bible as if they are listening to the flight attendant who is pointing out the safety features of the plane. They simply do not think it applies to them. So, reading the Bible is the proper manner changes everything. This is the Bible Code.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Sunday Oct 04, 2015

Sunday Oct 04, 2015

Jesus disciples heard Him pray and wanted to pray like Him. So, they asked Him to teach them how. The pattern of prayer He gave them changed everything.

The Fear of God

Sunday Sep 27, 2015

Sunday Sep 27, 2015

No other fear is like this fear. The Bible tells us that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Why is that?

Fear of Death

Sunday Sep 20, 2015

Sunday Sep 20, 2015

The Bible tells us that we do not need to fear death if we have faith. The key is in having that faith.

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